Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nothing new...

Things have been pretty laid back here lately, nothing too exciting to blog about. I have been applying for jobs and haven't been successful yet, but I am still holding out hope! I know every lifetime has its rain, and this must just be my rainy season. I just hope that it doesn't rain so long that I rust and lose myself! I have been VERY emotional and moody lately due to the job situation, and I hope everyone can forgive me for that and not take anything to heart if I come off weird, it's definitely not anyone but ME!

I finally got a call yesterday and I have an interview Monday, but I would rather not say where until I know if I get the job or not (just so I don't jinx myself). Hopefully after Monday I will have some GREAT news to share with you all! This is a dream job for me, it is everything I want, and I am able to do everything they ask of me with my injuries so I pray to God that this is the one, that this is my opportunity. If it is, I will gladly grab it with both hands and hang on as tight as I can! I miss Sis A LOT, and there are days I just cry, because I am not sure I can do some things without her! She was my strength, the best friend/cousin/sister a person could ask for, and she was taken so abruptly it's still an adjustment for me, and I don't deal well with stress it seems. I know she is in a better place, but that doesn't give me peace of mind for my own selfish reasons (such as I NEED her here).

The kids have been good, growing like weeds as always! Trenten is getting sassy and Landon is starting to mellow, so it's like a flip flop of sort. :) Health wise they are super, and that is a blessing all in itself! I have been working at the weight loss issue lately, and it seems to be working, but SLOWER than molasses. Steve has been doing a lot of landscaping around the house lately, and he is super proud of himself as we are proud of him as well! He is such a hard worker, and deserves better than what he has, but I hope in time with finding a job and such, that I can give him more! We have cut down two trees now, with two more to go. We hope to someday replace those dead trees with some beautiful purple crab apple trees. Dad has been helping out a lot since there is not much I can do, and we are grateful for that! Dad hasn't been feeling good lately and had to go to the ER sunday night and was checked for a pulmonary embolism among other things. He has chest pains and shortness of breath, even if he is just sitting in one spot. The doctor has not yet found anything to date, but dad has to go in and have a stress test done, so we are hoping something is found so that we can take care of the issue. I don't like seeing dad sick, I always grew up having this strong dad that never complained of any health issues, and now all of a sudden he seems to have ailments constantly. I am confident that it is something simple, such as GERD or a hiatal hernia, so that it can be taken care of easily :) That is about all I know for now, hopefully my next post isn't as far away as this one was since the last post. Good day to you all! <3

~The Reimer's~ Steve, Valerie, Trenten and Landon

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