Sunday, November 4, 2012

Being thankful....

     Well, it's been awhile since I have had the opportunity to blog, and I wanted to do a little now.

     As we all know, Halloween has just came and went, and Thanksgiving is on the horizon. I am looking forward to thanksgiving this year, being able to spend time with my loved ones and being thankful for all that I have! A co-worker of mine recently brought his smart phone up to me, and played a video for me of Taylor Swift singing the song "Ronan" that she wrote for a little boy who passed away from brain cancer.

     As I sat and watched this video, I cried like a baby! I cannot for the life of me, even begin to understand that pain that this mother felt going through this tragedy. It touched me in a way that I cannot express in words! I can only speak of Taylor, this song that she wrote, and the video of Ronan that his mom made of him in positive ways and let everyone know that is it definitely something that needs to be watched. Taylor wrote the song for the Tele-Thon that was being held in memory of Ronan, and it is such a touching song, the words really hit you where it counts, and make you remember how thankful you are for your life, health, and all that you have! Now I don't want to say that I forget what I have, but it is definitely easy to get caught up in the negatives in life, and they lead my astray from the positives. I often forget how thankful I am, but remember it now more than ever!

     I recently shared this video and song with one of my best friends, and she too sat and cried with me (yes I cried again, as I do everytime I hear it.) She has been dealt some trials and tribulations in life that weren't fair, and she still remains a great girl, positive in spirit, and doesn't complain about what she lacks in life. She makes me a better person by knowing her, and I want her to know that I am very thankful to have her in my life, and to never change who she is because someone cuts her down! She brings out the best in me, and I am thankful for her and her friendship! I have many friends that I am thankful for, but Nikki  (the friend I am speaking of) has many reasons to look to the negatives and never does, and holds her head high, and reminds me to do the same! I love her with my whole heart and soul, and want her to know how much she means to me and my family!

     So, I just wanted to blog about this video, and share with the rest of you as I think of it as an asset to remind us that things could be so much worse and we need to be thankful for what we have and how good we have it! I know I am one that needs constant reminding, but am getting better at reminding myself. :)

     In regards to Halloween, Landon had a great time with his cousin Aiden. Steve's mom Judy came to Guttenberg with Aiden as Aiden's mommy had to work at the hospital in Waterloo, and the boys went trick or treating with me, and poor Trenten suffered from the flu and had to ride along beside us in Grammy's truck. Mommy collected his candy for him, and he recovered a couple days later, and was happy to have candy there to sneak. :)  Landon was Luigi again because he wanted to be Wario or Waluigi (Nintendo characters) but we couldn't find those costumes, so he saved mom and dad money this year, and went as Luigi again, and Trenten tried to be Mario.

     For those of you who are interested, here is the link for a video of Ronan Thompson with Taylor Swift singing the song that she wrote for him, during a picture slide show of him. Grab your kleenex's, enjoy a video of a sweet angel, and remember to count your blessings, as it could be so much worse! I also included a picture of the boys after Steve and I carved their pumpkins with them! They were so proud of their pumpkins! :) Cute little devils! :)

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